Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Every single hair strand on the scalp has a life of about two to five years. The follicles follow an active cycle of growth, followed by transition, and finally rest. However, a couple of circumstances and a few lifestyle agents could put your hair at the resting stage in the cycle, where it ultimately falls out. It is known as telogen effluvium. 

Hair loss prevention for men and women
To help you make your hair less prone to fall, we have some tips for hair loss prevention for men and women. 

Hair loss in men
In men, hair loss is far more common. Following a leading study, approximately 85% of men experience hair thinning by the age of 50. In men, hair loss is caused by: 

  • Low testosterone levels
  • Aging
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Male pattern hair loss

Some of the treatments, which your doctor will recommend are: 

  • Follicular unit extraction
  • Follicular unit transplantation  
  • Proscar or Propecia
  • Rogaine (minoxidil)

Hair loss in women
In women, the primary causes of hair loss are: 

  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Aging
  • Genetic pattern hair loss
  • Other hormone-related conditions 

Approximately 33% of women undergo hair loss during their life. If you are experiencing hair loss, the doctor will recommend a few treatments, which will either lead to regrowth or prevent it from worsening. These include: 

  • Anti-androgen medicines or Aldactone
  • Rogaine
  • Iron supplements, primarily in cases where the cause of hair loss is heavy periods or anemia.
  • Oral contraceptives 
  • For women who are past their menopause, an HRT or hormone replacement therapy can help treat hair loss and any related symptoms. 

General tips for men and women
Following a few tips for hair loss prevention for men and women can help. These include: 

  • Avoid hairstyles, which may pull back your hair
    Though your hair has the much-needed flexibility, it can get damaged due to repetitive stretching. Hence, it would help if you avoided hairstyles, which pull your locks away from the scalp. The regular pulling tends to loosen the grip between the scalp and the hair.
  • Say no to high-temperature styling tools
    Usually, both men and women perform blow-dries after every wash. Don’t do that. The constant exposure to heat can make your hair weak. Women also use other hair styling products, such as straighteners or curling irons. All these heat-based styling tools dehydrate the hair and make it more susceptible to damage.
  • Do not chemically treat or bleach the hair
    The use of hair chemicals can lead to permanent damage to the hair. So, if you want to protect your hair from falling, curtail the use of highlights, perms, dyes, peroxide treatments, or other chemical treatments.
  • Use a mild shampoo only
    The shampoo helps clean the dirt or excess oil from the hair. However, many chemical shampoos have harsh treatments. In just one wash, they can remove all the fatty acids and natural oils from your hair. Natural oils and fatty acids make your hair look supple and strong. So, the use of strong shampoos takes that away from you. Hence, never use a harsh shampoo.