Symptoms and Causes of PAH

Symptoms and Causes of PAH

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is an ailment in which the person has high blood pressure. The right side of the heart and arteries are involved in this condition. The arteries involved are referred to as pulmonary arteries. PAH is a condition identified by the thickening of the pulmonary arteries, which hampers the flow of blood.

Here we have listed all the main symptoms and causes of PAH.

Symptoms of PAH
Before learning about the symptoms and causes for PAH, it is important to know that every individual with the condition has a different journey. How severe the symptoms are, what will be the treatment plan, it all depends from person to person.

Therefore, it is important to talk to a doctor who will help you identify your symptoms and causes of PAH and put you on the right path of treatment.

The symptoms of PAH include:

  • Breathlessness
    One of the early symptoms a person will experience is shortness of breath. When a person suffers from PAH, the regular process of inhaling and exhaling can be interrupted when a person is suffering from PAH. This makes simple tasks such as climbing a flight of stairs or vacuuming the house more difficult by causing shortness of breath easily.
  • Fatigue
    When the supply of blood to the lungs declines, it results in a shortage of oxygen supply to the brain. When this happens, you start feeling tired or fatigued after performing simple tasks such as walking. Due to lack of oxygen supply, the brain also works slowly, and the thought process also gets delayed.
  • Swollen limbs
    Due to PAH, a person might experience swelling in their legs, feet, and ankles. This swelling results from dysfunctional kidneys that are not able to remove waste and toxins from the body. The fluid retention in the body increases as the duration of the condition increases.
  • Blue lips
    Due to PAH, there is a low level of oxygen in the body. When enough oxygen is not supplied to the skin, it makes your lips turn blue. Cyanosis is the name of the condition with which it is referred to.

Causes of PAH
In some cases, the cause of increased pressure of blood in the lungs might not be known by the doctors. Such a condition is referred to as idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. Sometimes, genetics can be responsible for causing PAH. Also, sometimes the condition can be a result of some other underlying condition. There are several conditions that can be causing PAH. These include the following:

  • Formation of clots in the lungs
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Use of narcotics 
  • Diseases affecting the liver such as liver cirrhosis
  • HIV
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma
  • Birth defects affecting the heart
  • Diseases affecting the lungs such as emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic bronchitis
  • Sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea