Essential Oils for Dogs

Essential Oils for Dogs

Lately, essential oils are gaining a lot of traction in the last few years, thanks to their beneficial properties. The long list of positive effects of these oils is enough to justify their widespread use in aromatherapy and even households. Before you decide to share the benefits of the same with your pets, it is necessary to understand that some essential oils may cause them more harm than good. To save you the hassle here is a list including four safe essential oils for dogs.

Copaiba oil
Our fur friends, too, sometimes deal with issues that weaken their bones and joints. It can range from a mild pain that sometimes affects their movements to something so severe that it affects their daily routine. Copaiba essential oil, like many other essential oils, has anti-inflammatory properties. This property makes the oil useful in curing our dogs of their bone and joint issues. Good thing that it is one of the safe essential oils for dogs and has no severe side effects.

Chamomile oil
We, humans, make use of Chamomile to relax. Chamomile also is useful in holistic treatments in aromatherapy and naturopathy procedures. But, did you know that some vets, too, recommend its use for your pets? You read that right, this commonly used essential oil extracted from the plant and its various parts find its place in treatments of your pets. If your pet has developed skin rashes and has inflamed skin, burns, wounds, or even ulcers, you can use chamomile oil as it is a safe essential oil for dogs.

Lavender oil
The next time you are planning yourself a nice calming session with some lavender essential oils involved, do not leave out your furry babies. Lavender calms the minds of nervous and anxious pets just as it calms our nerves and helps us relax. And since lavender is one of the safe essential oils for dogs, it makes for a great relaxer for both you and your pet. In addition to that, lavender oil also helps cure and restrict the spread of skin infections in pets. Its antibacterial and antiseptic, which means it helps keep your pet safe from various skin infections, including infestation by ticks and fleas. Inhaling a few fumes or adding a few drops of the oil to your pet’s bath water shall do the trick.

Peppermint oil
Just like us, our pets, too, are susceptible to seasonal cough and cold. And of course, the dreaded allergies can make one feel miserable. To avoid that, a lot of us make use of peppermint oil. But what about our pets? Good news for us pet owners is peppermint oil is one of the safe essential oils for dogs. This means, whenever your dog starts sneezing, you can relieve them of their misery with just a few drops of this oil. Since peppermint oil is potent, it is used after dilution. Inhalation of peppermint oil not only helps with the cold and sneezing but also clears the respiratory passage. Massaging with this oil can relieve your dog of bone and joint aches that arise due to conditions like arthritis.