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Causes and Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an illness of the liver causing inflammation to the organ due to a viral infection. There are two types of Hepatitis C – acute and chronic. This article lists the causes and symptoms of hepatitis C. Causes Hepatitis C is a viral illness. It is caused when a person is infected with HCV (hepatitis C virus). The infection is contaminated via blood and affects the liver. It is one of the most common illnesses transmitted through blood in the country. Some of the ways this contamination happens include: Reusing injection syringes that have already been used on an infected person. Reuse of other medical equipment that has not been sterilized sufficiently. Sexual activities that can expose one to blood. Through the transfusion of blood and related products that have not been checked. Symptoms Here are some of these symptoms for both the categories of Hepatitis C. Change in bladder movement and color of urine Patients affected by Hepatitis C may notice that the urine is darker in color. The patients may also notice poor bladder and bowel movements as the capability of the body to eliminate waste gets disrupted Nausea and abdominal discomfort The doctor may ask a person get the required tests done if there are no other causes for nausea and abdominal discomfort and if it is accompanied by other symptoms of Hepatitis C. Individuals may also experience other kinds of discomfort in their abdomen due to the build-up of fluids in the stomach.