5 Things To Carry When Flying With Pets

5 Things To Carry When Flying With Pets

Having a pet is no less than having an additional family member. Traveling with your pet during vacation is fun, but it does come with additional responsibilities, especially if you intend to fly. You need to make sure that your pet is comfortable throughout the journey. You need to familiarize yourself with the logistics of flying with your pet. To help you, here is a list of what to bring when flying with pets.

  1. Seat cover
    Your pet, especially a cat, might not be the kindest to the seats when flying. Your pets’ dander can be an inconvenience to fellow passengers on the plane. To avoid this, house your pets in carriers or buy pet-friendly seat covers so that their paws and nails don’t destroy the upholstery. A small towel or blanket can suffice for short jaunts.
  2. Litter boxes
    If you are traveling with your cat on a flight, ensure that you bring their litter box along. Cats get uncomfortable when cooped in a carrier for long-duration flights. Ensure that your cats use portable litter boxes before boarding the plane. Furthermore, ensure that you use the litter box that your cat is familiar with so that they are familiar with its smell. Some airlines also allow litter boxes in the flight, ensure to read the airline’s pet policy for the same.
  3. First aid-Kit
    Injuries or sickness is a common effect on your pets due to travel, so it is best to be prepared. While you carry first-aid supplies for yourself, ensure that you pack one for your pet as well. You can either buy special pet-specific first-aid kits or make one at home. Vets recommend basic supplies such as gauze rolls, gauze pads, cotton swabs, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointments, tweezers, bandages, thermometer, and a roll of cloth.
  4. Calming medications
    Pets can get uncomfortable and anxious in unfamiliar environments. Additionally, constantly changing air pressure and turbulence can add to their discomfort. Therefore, carry medications that can calm them, ensure that they are vet prescribed, and do not have a side effect on your pet. Alternatively, you can carry essential oils that calm your pet; they generally come in small bottles with a dropper. Apply this directly under the pet’s tongue or add a drop or two in their drinking water. However, consult a vet to make sure the essential oil you are using is not poisonous for your pet. You can also buy sprays and pet wipes that can be applied to your pet’s fur. This will help your pet to adjust to a new environment quickly.
  5. Pet toys
    Do not forget to carry your pets’ favourite toy while flying with them. Pets get bored and uncomfortable in the carrier and can create a ruckus as the new surroundings can be overwhelming. Put your pet’s favorite toys in the carrier so that they are not bored and are occupied with the toy throughout the flight.