5 Foods To Be Avoided by ADHD Patients

5 Foods To Be Avoided by ADHD Patients

It has been ascertained that over seven percent of children and about four to six percent of adults have ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Unfortunately, ADHD does not have any cure. This neurodevelopmental disorder can make day-to-day tasks challenging for the patient. Apart from undergoing behavioral therapy and taking medication, the ADHD patient also needs to make certain dietary modifications.

To help one deal with ADHD, we are enlisting a few foods to avoid with ADHD. Doing this will not cure the condition; however, the flare-ups may reduce. Let’s take a look at a few such foods.

Dyes, processed food, and preservatives
Processed food has a high degree of synthetic compounds and artificial ingredients in them. As a result of it, it just doesn’t go well with the body’s natural chemistry. These food items contain sodium benzoate, which tends to trigger hyperactivity in young children. Sodium benzoate is a key ingredient used in condiments, salad dressings, and carbonated drinks. Moreover, one should avoid food items that have the following preservatives mentioned on their labels:

  • BHA, i.e., butylated hydroxyanisole
  • TBHQ, i.e., tert-Butylhydroquinone
  • BHT, i.e., butylated hydroxytoluene

However, not every person with ADHD would be sensitive to these preservatives. So, one can try the elimination method one by one, to see the impact on their health.

A few kids tend to become hyperactive if they eat sugary foods or candies. Though there’s no proof as yet that correlates it with ADHD, precaution is still advised. So, sugar is one food to avoid with ADHD in the case of children. In all circumstances, sugar-based items should only be a small part of the diet. However, here, too, an elimination method could be helpful.

Children with ADHD shouldn’t consume foods that have salicylates in them. It includes foods such as tomatoes, grapes, cranberries, and almonds. A degree of salicylates is present in some pain medications and aspirin.

Similar to salicylates, allergens could also be present in healthy food items. However, they could have a deteriorating impact on brain function. At times, they may trigger inattentiveness or hyperactivity if the body is already sensitive to an allergen. Some of the allergens that can be eliminated from one’s diet include:

  • Milk
  • Peanuts
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Fish
  • Tree nuts
  • Shellfish.

It would take a while; however, one should take measures to track the connection between their symptoms and the food. Only then will they be able to find out about what’s causing the allergy.

Though a small quantity of caffeine is beneficial for ADHD patients, studies have proved that the side-effects tend to outweigh the potential benefits. Thus, people with ADHD should limit or avoid caffeine, as it can only worsen the side-effects.